Monday, August 1, 2011

How do you spell Gene*logy?

Do you use an "a" when you spell the "G" word? Martha Grenzeback who is the genealogy librarian at the Omaha Public Library and a 3rd cousin of my wife thinks one should. She was the first one to use her eagle editorial eye to notice that there is a problem with the spine title of my new book:

I'll take responsibility for not catching the unintentional sex change administered to the great-great grandparent on the chart on page 161. I should have caught that when I reviewed the page proofs of the art work. However, I claim no responsibility for the "oops" on the spine title or for the truly beautiful artwork on the cover. The publisher says the book will be reprinted. However, I was born in Missouri, the "Show Me" state and I am a slow learner. Therefore, I'll believe it two weeks after I see the results!

Kidding aside, I have been gratified by some of the early responses. It's too early for the formal reviews; but I was very pleased to see the blog post from the Genealogy Journey: FPLD's Genealogy & Research Blog of the Fountaindale Public Library in Bolingbrook, IL. I even was featured in the first paragraph of that same blog the following week. Wow!


  1. Oops! So the ones with "geneology" on the side are collector's items? It's just like misprinted stamps! ;)

    Congratulations on publication. That's quite an accomplishment!

  2. Hi Amy,
    I guess when you are handed a lemon you make lemonade!

    Thanks for the congratulations.
