Saturday, December 11, 2010

National Genealogical Society Preconference


NGS’s special pre-conference program for librarians, sponsored by ProQuest, will be held Tuesday, 10 May, 8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m., at the Charleston County Public Library, 68 Calhoun Street, Charleston. Librarians who work with family history patrons are encouraged to attend this outstanding program.

“How Did that Yankee Get in the Family?”—Michael Hall is a BYU graduate who has worked for FamilySearch for more than twenty years. He is currently strategic relations manager working with libraries and genealogical societies worldwide.

“Putting All Your Library Resources to Use”—George Morgan, president of Aha! Seminars, Inc., a training company providing continuing education for libraries and library consortia.

“Solving African American Brick Walls”—Toni Carrier, founding director of University of South Florida, Africana Heritage Project.

“Social Networking”—Drew Smith, academic librarian with the University of South Florida, Tampa.

ProQuest will provide lunch for registered attendees and will be available to answer questions about their
products. The program will conclude with a tour of the Charleston County Public Library. For more
information visit

Registration is free to those working in libraries serving genealogists. If you can make it of Charleston, consider attending the entire conference. At the very least, visit the many vendors who will be exhibiting there. Entrance to the Exhibit Hall is free to everyone.

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