Yesterday I wrote about a BIG Y discovery that got my Maryland Dowells past SNPs R-L21 and R-DF13. The Virginia Group 1 Dowells in our surname project had long been known to have come forward in time from those two SNPs and were known to have reached R-M222. Thanks to the informative charts that citizen scientist Mike Walsh tirelessly updates at the site of the R L21 and Subclades Project, we have the opportunity to almost keep up with the current SNP tsunami:

The chart above is offered only to give overall perspective. The new subclade R-S1026 discussed in yesterday's post is represented by the four boxes colored pale pink in the middle of the chart. The more robust subclade R-DF49, which includes SNP M222, is the blue/aqua on the extreme lower left corner of the chart. Our Maryland Dowells and the Virginia Dowells have not shared a common male ancestor in about 3,500 years even though both followed the same SNP trail down from yDNA Adam to SNP DF13. You will need to visit the linked project website to be able to read the details of this chart.
The DF49 corner of the chart is blown up below:
I request the reader's indulgence to ignore the gold and yellow boxes in the upper right corner of this part of the chart. The Virginia Group 1 Dowell who took the BIG Y test, was able to trace his SNP migration pattern several hundred years and eight SNPs closer to the present. He now is confirmed to be DF97 and beyond. DF97 is at the bottom of the third column from the left in the above chart.
Although this Dowell has been able to discover the trail of his ySNPs through a significant part of the last few millennia, he still has discoveries to make to connect his paper trail to his SNP trail. As was the case with my Maryland Dowells, The Big Tree of Alex Williamson gives many more recent SNPs to try to arrange in the proper chronological sequence. It is necessary to visit the original website to get a clear view of the SNPs that the yDNA of this Virginia Dowell has accumulated as his paternal clan moved toward the Atlantic coast of Europe.
The Virginia Group 1 Dowell is the third column from the left in the above chart. SNP DF85 is in top row and DF97 is in row three. There are still many SNPs to arrange in the proper sequence in recent centuries as attempts are made to tie the SNP path into the documented path and to identify his nearest relatives.