Monday, November 30, 2015

NGS 2016, Fort Lauderdale, May 4-7

National Genealogical Society Conference registration begins tomorrow. The theme will be "Exploring the Centuries: Footprints in Time." 

Although the packed program begins at 8:00 AM on May 4th, the DNA track begins at 11:00 AM on May 6th. Three DNA presentations are scheduled for Friday and five for Saturday. 

Sessions for DNA:  

  ·   Should We DNA Test? Balancing Technological Possibilities and Human Values. Who decides?
  ·   Who were Robert King’s Parents?   
  ·   Sex, DNA, and Family History
  ·   ’Cuz We’reCousins – Using Autosomal DNA Testing to Break Down Brick Walls
  ·   Your Pedigree Can Benefit from YDNA and mtDNA Testing   
  ·   DNA Testing and Your Ethnic Origins
  ·   Autosomal DNATesting – Using Excel Spreadsheets to Organize and Track Results
  ·   How to Use to Optimize Your DNA Testing Experience

I will be one of the presenters and I hope to see you there.

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