Yesterday Judy Kellar Fox writing in the blog BCG SpringBoard: News and Notes gave us another indication that the field of genetic genealogy is coming of age:
We can't stick our heads in the sand any more when it comes to learning about using DNA testing in genealogical research.
We can't ignore the value of genetic testing as a research tool. Let's learn how to use it!

She then presented a robust list of resources for getting started in and keeping up-to-date in genetic genealogy.
I was very gratified that my recent NextGen Genealogy: the DNA Connection was one of four books listed in her section for "a good way to gain a basic understanding of the fundamentals of genetic genealogy." In addition this blog, Dr D Digs Up Ancestors was among the essential blogs to "help us stay on top of the newest developments."
Let the learning begin/continue! I know that is why I write and lecture. If I ever feel I am not learning, I'll stop writing and lecturing.
Judy's is not a static list. It already has had additions offered in the comments section since it was published yesterday morning.
"We can't stick our heads in the sand any more" Quite agree with this idea.
Creative BioMart